expected. but there was that problem with the statute of limitations expired on anything less than first-degree murder, there was the chance that ellen snyder could be found not guilty. mike's family was willing to risk that. >> we felt that strongly that it was premeditated and that was a gamble that we were ready to take. >> but the prosecutor isn't willing to gamble. >> maybe she gets convicted of first degree murder and maybe that is what she did all along and that would have been justice. but with an all or nothing where you are trying to convince beyond a reasonable tout 12 jurors? >> you didn't want for roll the dice. >> that is a huge risk to roll the dice and not have somebody held accountable at all for the death of another human being. >> and it was a risk for ellen too. she knew that going to trial could mean a possible life sentence. one month before the case was set for trial, prosecutors offered ellen a plea deal. which she accepted.