second one, "getting threatened for days now. is that the new thing to do? " >> the dead end part really was the one that got to me. like, was someone following her? did she get to the house and someone attack her? it's a dark, dead end, very dark where she parks. >> they're very creepy, what she posted -- >> very creepy, yes. very creepy. >> no one had any idea who or what she was referring to. there were so many questions, and sarah's brother-in-law wanted answers. with the help of some large friends, nick went looking for anyone who was with sarah the night she vanished. he sounded more like a detective than a floor refinisher. >> who was she talking to, who'd you see her talking to, who'd you see her last leave with at the party, who she -- who she was socializing with. >> i mean, you're big, strong nick. did you want to be like, "you know what? i want to put this to use and go find out some information here? " >> i did. we're wanting answers,