sister to watch his kids, overnight. then, in the middle of the night, she got a urgent call from him. >> four in the morning, he left me a voice mail saying that, his friends brother was in a bad car accident, and didn't think he was going to make it, so he was going to go to north carolina. >> the friend's brother, was apparently in bad shape. yeah is as the dipuccio family to watch his children. on monday, when the doctor was to return, came a bombshell that nobody could've imagined. rosie's brother got a call from his wife. >> julie called and said, nobody can find yaz i said what do you mean? >> they found his friend, but nobody can find him. how is your brother? he said, we are talking about -- because your brothers been a really bad oxidant, he said i haven't seen yet as -- he has been here all weekend. >> dominic went to rosie end yaz house, discovering something on the kitchen counter. it was an envelope that had

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