bathroom? to the investigators, the only plausible explanation was that the doctor had bundled up the murder weapon to dispose of it somewhere along the way as he raced back for his second surgery, a bloody bundle that leaked. >> you wouldn't have had time to wash that or you wouldn't have had time to have got ten off your clothing. he left in a hurry, obviously, the first time that he was at the house. so leaving in a hurry, that's evidence that gets transferred from one thing to another. >> by the time the prosecutor had wrapped up his case, he laid out a theory of what had happened, that the doctor had used the neckties to pull his wife down to the ground, then bashed her head in with that murder weapon never found. afterwards he tried to clean up but quickly gave up. this had a lot of dots to connect. >> we knew we had enough dots that if we could get it to lay out in an understandable manner, we knew the jury would be hard