>> it was all true. >> you didn't tell any lies at all? >> a confession is the strongest evidence anybody ever gets. it generally does the deed. >> uh-huh. >> and that was a pretty detailed confession. not just once but twice. >> and that's the one i don't understand more than anything. i've asked him more than once, why did you confess when you knew you were in front of a police officer? why wouldn't you say, oh, well, of course i didn't do it. you know, i was just trying to get in with this organization. and, you know, he didn't have much of an answer. so if there's an ounce of me not believing him, it's there. this is the biggest weakness in the story. >> but given the continued absence of any physical evidence, that second confession still wasn't enough to convince gabriel his father killed his mother. is it possible, though that you're living in denial? >> no. you're not the first person to ask me. >> i bet.