come at school to try to get me. because the school would legally have to let them let me go with them. like, if my mom showed up. >> reporter: max was scared. had no idea what was going on with his mom. and he wanted to stay with his grandparents. >> i've heard all of these horror stories about people having these personality changes and-- going off the deep end. and i thought, "i've got to do something about max. i've got to g-- keep him safe." >> reporter: nancy applied for temporary guardianship of max. that must be so weird? >> [ light laughter ] >> reporter: fraught. >> yes and just wondering, "what am i doing to my daughter if-- if we were doing this." the lawyer said, "now, this is just temporary." "now, if she comes back, you know, you can always undo this." i said "okay." >> reporter: meanwhile, surely the sheriff could find her daughter, get some help. she showed them cari's texts about the furniture.

Related Keywords

Reporter ,Mom ,Big Idea ,School ,Something ,People ,Wall ,Horror Stories ,Grandparents ,Personality Changes ,The Deep End ,Him Safe ,Nancy Didn T ,Guardianship ,Light Laughter ,Back ,Daughter ,Texts ,Sheriff ,Help ,Furniture ,Lawyer ,

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