that scott was not married at that time. >> what did you make of that? when you heard it. >> we knew that wasn't correct. >> a love triangle, jealous home wrecker kills wife, claims husband? no, not even close. scott's girlfriend thought his marriage was over, his divorce finalized. >> what was her reaction to getting the real story? she must have been upset. >> more hurt than upset because i think she had fallen in love with him. >> he'd been lying like a sidewalk. >> that's right. >> and you had no idea that woman was associated with him that way either, did you? >> no. i had met her once or twice. but i just thought they were friends. i didn't think it was anything else. >> this was betrayal in all capital letters. >> that's a very good word. >> you were betrayed. >> lied to. yeah. taken advantage of if in a way.