he's ready to pack it. in then an urgent call went out, over the radio. shots fired. >> all we really knew is, some bad stuff it happened, some people have been shooting at each other, we're speeding to get there, to perhaps break it up, perhaps stop, it perhaps save lives, you don't really know. >> they didn't know, that they were responding to the 9-1-1 call, from chad reed, after his arm confrontation with six men on a dark road running through a meadow. well racing to the scene, he in the warden met up with the sheriff's deputy. in over the radio came a new twist. two men possibly wounded, they found wandering through a campground. >> so we go to this campground ensure none, if we all hop out, and there's like two guys in the middle of this campground with blood on them. one of the sheriffs takes, and they cough up and take him right there. in these guys are like look, our friends are hurt. and they give us directions to where the incident occurred. >> the metal that.