many times. but what if he was telling the truth? so, over time -- >> how are you doing, man? >> how did you get up here? >> we began visiting eric. >> what's up? >> you're looking good. >> and listening to his story. >> when i got arrested i was always under the impression that people who are guilty actually go to jail. i didn't believe that i would be convicted of a crime that i didn't do. >> when police put the cuffs on him in 1995 eric was 20 years old. a brand new father of a 1-week-old baby girl. when we spoke, their only time together had been spent in sing sing's visiting room. >> i have a family who i love and who loves me. my daughter, i need to get home to her and be a father. >> eric often shared his story with sister joanna. over time, she felt compelled to do something, anything for him. so she called the only lawyer she knew.