the nature of heather's relationship with carmela? >> i don't think it was a relationship that heather truly wanted to be in. that was my take on it from talking to family primarily. i think heather was mixed on, "do i wanna be with carmela? do i wanna be with other persons? " >> and then the wondering about where heather was stopped. the day after she vanished, sheriff's deputies found heather's 12-year-old olds alero in an apartment building's parking lot. it wasn't where heather or her family lived. the car was locked, and on the front seat a handwritten note. >> that note's from carmella. >> what's it say? >> the note pertained to an argument that they were involved in, how much she loves heather and that type of thing. >> detectives opened the trunk, and then heather bogle was missing no longer. she'd been shot twice and badly beaten. bruises on her ankles and