details surrounding his wife's death seemed to elude curtis. >> but no, i don't remember anything significant about the night before. >> you said the two of you went to bed together? >> yeah, i -- i believe we did. you know, it's been a long time i guess it's possible i would have left, slept on a couch or something. >> you said you took the kids to school? >> again, i believe i did. it's been so long. >> ironically he didn't remember a whole lot about that day. >> reporter: couldn't even remember whether he in fact, took the kids to school that day? >> right. i just would have thought that finding your wife dead in bed would have left more of an impression on ya. >> reporter: to the detective, curtis was trying to look helpful without really being so. gibson cut to the chase. >> did you smother cory with a pillow? >> no, i did not. >> reporter: did you and cory have a bad argument, curt? did it get out of hand? did you snap and then put a