within the next minute he says, "but it sounds like what they're actually arresting him for is murder," so then obviously my interest was piqued. >> reporter: it was a stroke of luck. anthony garcia's family had been cold calling lawyers looking for someone to defend anthony. bob motta was the first to call back. it was 2:00 a.m. california time when he got anthony garcia's brother on the phone. 30 minutes later, bob motta was retained to handle his first murder case. >> i go upstairs. i wake my wife up, who is my law partner, alison motta. and i'm, like, "we got a murder case. we gotta get up and go to jackson county. you gotta find a sitter for the kids." >> reporter: when anthony garcia's extradition hearing came up the next day, the mottas, mr. and mrs. were seated at the defense table. >> you are basically consenting to the authorities from nebraska to take you back to that state to deal with these charges. do you understand that? >> absolutely understand. >> i'm not going to answer any questions with regards to his