for a place of employment or licensure as a physician in another state, creighton university would get notification of that because they would get a request to verify dr. garcia's time that he had spent there. >> and creighton would respond, usually dr. brumback or dr. hunter, "yeah, he was here. he was dismissed. he didn't do a good job." >> right. >> and so that kept coming back to haunt dr. garcia, that experience -- >> right. >> -- at creighton. how many times did that happen? >> i want to say at least seven or eight different times. >> reporter: to mois, professional failure and the need for revenge could be a powerful motive. now, the detective needed to know if garcia had the means to commit murder. said, "we have records of dr. garcia purchasing specifically a smith & wesson sd9 nine millimeter shortly before the brumback murders," well, obviously that's very significant to us.