the beaten path, it's the kind of place where things move more slowly and life is supposed to be easy. cher first visited the islands in 2000. for the outdoorsy cher, it was love at first sight. what's more, it was affordable for the same money cher had been saving up to sail around the world. she bought her little piece of paradise, a rental property, a small house and that tiny round island. >> we saw that lump in the water and we said that's it. that'll be our spot for the rest of our lives. >> cher and keith met seven years before that when the vivacious blonde walked into a little bar keith owned in florida. >> came in and those big blue eyes and big smile. i was hooked. she was just so beautiful. >> cher grew up in st. louis where her all american good looks got her into modelling as a teenager. >> she would walk in a room and, beep, everybody knew she was there. she was always happy.