i want you to know how much i love you. you're the best thing that has happened to me. please forgive me!" and then he added this, "tell the cops to get. i never did it, but i can't be railroaded." jones recovered quickly but his actions that day remained a mystery because he wasn't talking anymore to investigators. >> the evidence was definitely pointing toward lester jones. but we still had to keep an eye open on mr. livingston, mr. heald, mr. coralluzzo. and remember that these are the ones we know about. is there somebody else out there we don't even know about yet? >> reporter: didn't help when lab results from paige's car came back negative. the fire burned it clean of evidence. so the sheriff's office turned to a volunteer search dog team for help. and sure enough, the dogs appeared to hit on jones' scent in paige's charred car. and along highway 50 where all those items were found. and then they sniffed their way down this gravel road that dead