abare was getting updates on mark. >> i don't know how many minutes passed by when another prosecutor came in the courtroom saying how bad it was. >> reporter: about an hour earlier, shannon had walked from the parking lot to the courthouse. that's the same root her friend and colleague mark cassie was walking when he was shot. now, too afraid to go anywhere, she stayed inside, praying for him. >> we are now just waiting to hear if he is going to live. >> reporter: but bad news traveled fast. >> it did not take long for his trial partner to walk in to the courtroom shaking her head and crying. and i think at that point we knew he was gone. >> reporter: i can only imagine how horrible a moment like that is. >> it's horrible. it will be in my brain forever. like i will never, ever forget that. >> there's not a day that goes by that i do not go by her and think back to that day and exactly what happened and exactly what i saw. >> reporter: mark cassie was dead at 57. gunned down on his way to work.