"dateline" he believed simpson's letter was essentially a suicide note. >> when i read that letter, i already thought that he was dead. >> not fred goldman, ron's father, who in 2014 told us he didn't buy it for a minute. >> i had this feeling that it was just a pile of [ bleep ], he's trying to get away. >> and, in fact, simpson was still alive. just before 6:00 p.m., an eagle-eyed couple on an l.a. freeway spotted the bronco. >> i think i just saw o.j. simpson on the 5 freeway. >> within a minute, orange county sheriffs were on him. >> police highway patrol, orange county sheriff. >> soon, tv news choppers were on their tail, beaming live pictures. >> o.j. has a gun to his head. >> marcia clark, just assigned to prosecute simpson for murder watched with the rest of the world. >> this looks like flight to me. and that is conscious of guilt