dalia's outburst went viral -- >> reporter: and five years after dalia was sentenced to 20 years for hiring a hitman to kill her husband, she was back again in court on the same charge -- facing a possible 30-year stretch. >> good afternoon, ms. dippolito. >> afternoon. >> reporter: first, at a pre-trial hearing in february as they tried to get the entire case dismissed, dalia's new team road-tested a new reality tv defense, this time dalia was blaming her former lover mohamed -- the informant and sometimes tv extra. and so we were all gonna work on an actor's presentation to put up on social media. >> reporter: those in-car meetings weren't about arranging a hit, she said. they were all about that tv pitch. >> the purpose of meeting him was to discuss the presentation and, you know, taping what was gonna be on there. >> reporter: she claimed she had wanted to back out of the purported tv project, but she insisted mohamed was having none of that. >> and at that point, he lifted his shirt and showed me his gun. and he threatened me.