people were actually out there and standing around and all that have kind of stuff so i told them i think they are downstairs so when i went down there and i get confronted. they are actually in the building. are i honestly didn't know that they were that far in the building, so -- and then they lock eyes on me right away and just like that i was in it, so it -- it wasn't a matter of let me leave them alone. i feel like they would have followed me anyway. most people don't know that i was actually outside, too, during a little bit, outside and the fighting and all that kind of stuff. yeah, it just -- i don't know. i was -- i was -- i was just in go mode, you know what i mean. >> de-escalation was big on your mind though, too, safety and de-escalation. >> safety, de-escalation. i mean, de-escalation to a point, you know what i mean, because there were few of them that -- you had -- you had a few that were angry and screaming,