message that was so stern, that warning of migrants telling them essentially please do not come, do not come, emphasizing something the administration has been saying for months, but that is clearly not been working. the vice president banking on that message in person which she will also deliver again today we are told will help at least resonate a little bit more strongly. as gabe knows well on the border, it doesn't match up with the reality we're seeing. this is something in terms of the timeline here, chris, the vice president very clear she doesn't believe there's going to be any immediate fix to this in the short term. it's going to take years. some experts think even decades to really solve this issue. the other extremely hot button question here, will vice president harris ever visit the southern border has republicans have called on her to do. she told lester holt that maybe at some point she would go, but that she wasn't interested in grand gestures. we can expect that political pressure to ramp up, that's something we're also watching closely here in mexico today. >> we're watching the live pictures we've seen two of the things we were expecting this