makes me feel a little less bad about screwing up. apparently set up a website asking people to join their team. ads on mobile phones. that does it for us tonight. we'll see you again tomorrow. count do"countdown with keith o" starts right now. have a good one. which of these stories will you be talking about tomorrow? medicare for everybody. like i said, medicare for more, anyway. democrats ponder lowering medicare eligibility to age 60 or even 55 or offering the public the same plan the senate and house get. or a new secret mutation of the public option not being discussed in public, but by ten democrats running from feingold to landrum. sarah from alaska. the neutral book quoting sister sarah's father on why she bailed out of hawaii pacific university. there were too many asians and pacific islanders. quoting chuck heath, "they were a minority type thing and it wasn't glamorous, so she came home." the mystery suicide at george bush's gitmo. three detainees dead on one night in 2006. ruling, they killed themselves by stuffing rags down their own throats, then tying their own hands together, then hanging themselves. the latest far right conspiracy theory about the president. he addressed the nation last tuesday, says the mayor of a suburb of memphis, so obama could preempt a charlie brown christmas. the crash of glenn beck. the movie version of his big hit christmas book sells 17 tickets in new york city. and how many women are now on the list of tiger woods' trysts? nine? no one is sure, exactly. suffice it to say, he's well over par. and three new motion news videos. >> woods was unconscious and snoring. >> also, if the computer-generated van is a rocking, don't come a knocking. we see where his squeaky clean reputation comes from. he slices one to the right and tiger has asked out an operator here at "time" magazine. >> we have received a unanimous phone call. >> a unanimous phone call? from secretary of state hillary clinton? no! all the news and commentary now on "countdown." >> yes, i will show you some neat tricks. good evening from new york. it's not medicare for everybody. far from it. but with a real public option all but dead in the senate, what about medicare for the 10% of the u.s. population likely to need health care most? our fifth story in the countdown, the new proposal being discussed to expand medicare by lowering the eligibility age to 55. if that were to happen, up to 30 million more americans would suddenly be eligible for that favorite of the town hall set, keep your damned government hands off my government-run medicare. senate democrats now considering medicare expansion as one of several public option alternatives. on the list of concessions that conservative democrats would be asked to agree to in exchange for having the universal public option dropped all together. senator kerry confirming tonight that, "it's an option, it's being discussed, it does have some issues that are being raised, but it remains -- it's on the table." the idea introduced by senator rockefeller, adding it's still unclear whether medicare expansion would be a replacement for the public option. quoting him, "i think that's one of the reasons it was brought up, but you don't do everything in juxtaposition with something else, always." as it exists now, medicare is a single-payer system for americans 65 and older. the new plan would allow people under 65 to buy into medicare, an idea first floated by governor howard dean during his run for the presidency in 2004. all of this being hammered out among a group of ten senate democrats picked to negotiate a compromise internally on the public option. five progressive democrats, schumer of new york, rockefeller, sherrod brown of ohio, tom harkin of iowa, russ feingold of wisconsin, and five conservatives, blanche lincoln and mark pryor of arkansas, mary landrieu of louisiana, ben nelson of nebraska and tom carper of delaware. senator carper a late subs constitution for joe lieberman of connecticut who apparently failed to show up for the meetings twice. on friday, the working group having started discussion on a new secret option, that reportedly involves using the office of personnel management to oversee a national network of private insurance plans. opm is the same department that runs the health insurance program for federal employees. senator harkin telling msnbc tonight that they will have a deal negotiated on something by this time tomorrow. the senator adding that ben nelson's stupak-like anti-abortion amendment introduced today will fail to pass. over the weekend, president obama making a visit to the capitol to give senate democrats, all senate democrats, a pep talk. the president deploying his second in command to deal with republican scare tactics. >> we're dealing with the same scare tactics and the same malarkey -- rationing, threats that seniors won't get care, seniors will die sooner. come on. enough of the scare tactics. it's time to set the record straight. look at me. we're not raiding medicare. we're not cutting guaranteed benefits. health insurance reform is going to protect medicare. not a dollar from the medicare trust fund will be used to pay for the plan. >> joining us now, "washington post" staff reporter ezra klein who covers economic and domestic policy. this idea to expand medicare is one of several ideas that's being discussed as alternatives to a true, say original brand public option. why are they being discussed now? >> because they basically hit a breaking point. they had, you know, were pretty much near the end of the process here, and sort of under the leadership of joe lieberman, oddly enough, the senate moderates or conservatives had really got in hard on the public option. they basically said, we will filibuster if you have anything called or recognizable as a public option. but the liberals wouldn't give it all up, either. so, eventually, the leadership and the ten they appointed began looking outside the public option itself. and this appears to be one of the things they came up with. alongside other things on the table right now is expanding medicaid up to 150% or it's 133 in the senate bill now. now, and also different types of tighter insurance regulation. >> the senator from michigan, miss stabenow, told reporters today she could support the bill without a public option as long as the bill accomplishes the same things that a public option would, namely, lower costs and increase competition. between her statement and the very existence of that working group of ten, is it officially time to write a formal obituary for a true public option? >> unfortunately, the probably realistic answer is, if you're talking about what we're talking about at the beginning of this process, maybe, yes, but it could actually be the medicare buy-in would be probably a bigger deal. the public option that's in the house bill is really a lot weaker than medicare and the folks who we really need to help, folks 55 and up, they're actually the ones with the toughest time in the insurance market as it is now. this would be huge for them. it would give them more continuity of insurance. it would give them premiums that are a lot lower than they would get on the private market. and it would be an example, i think, of medicare competing actually with private insurers. right? because when you get on medicare now at 65, it's a whole different process. you know, you pay a different thing. but here you would really see how much lower the premiums are. you would buy in. you would send a check. and i think when 55-year-olds began buying in and seeing that they were saving money, i think that would have a pretty powerful effect on the marketplace over time. >> if howard dean first suggested this at least in a campaigning sense, five years ago, why is it only being introduced into this discussion right now? >> it actually gets a bit weirder. this was in the original max baucus draft. if you remember that white paper that got released -- i think it was back in june or long before june, it was there, and then it dropped off without a trace. and now it's coming in, i think, because jay rockefeller is a pretty savvy guy. one of the things that didn't happen until now is that a lot of people in the room negotiating this don't get health care reform very well. they knew the public option was important, they were fighting for that, but they didn't have a sense of how it all fit together. rockefeller, to his credit, has been on this issue a long time and he really does. he understood if you can't get the public option, you get other things that are important and you can move them back on to the table. >> so if this phrase is killed off but the effect is more or less the same or perhaps better than the latest weakened version of a public option, that by itself makes the democrats more likely to reach some sort of consensus on compromise? >> maybe. what i think you saw by the end with the public option is it was sort of like, you know, the fairest heart. it all got very hardened. and nobody could climb down from the ledge. lieberman, nelson, they had all said too much and it had been too controversial for them. and one thing you would like to hope, the moderates, maybe they're afraid of public option, maybe they fundamentally disagree with it, but on some level, they want this plan to work too. so if you can get away from the controversy and the hardened positions that had built up around the public option, there are other compromises that are legitimately on the table. not just to get 60 votes, but because people would like to make this plan more affordable and more likely to succeed. >> when i said to senator wyden last week, what you're really looking for is something the people who support it can call kind of a public option and the people who oppose it can say, no, no, it's not a public option, that's the compromise? >> somewhat. although, if this comes in for a lot of people, they're about to get a better public option than anything that's been on the table thus far. >> ezra klein of "the washington post," thanks for your insight. let's turn to jonathan cohn. author of "sick, the untold story of health care crisis and the people who pay the price." thank you for your time again tonight, sir. more medicare of these several options that are now newly on the table. 10% of the u.s. population between 55 and 64, as he ka klein just said, they're the ones that have as tough a time as anybody, if not more so, in the insurance market. lowering eligibility for medicare would immediately qualify 30 million additional americans for some form of government-run health care, some break in the ice for them, at least? >> well, if you were going to open this medicare option to everybody at that age, it would. but keep in mind most likely, we are going to see a restricted eligibility on this, probably something along the lines we've seen so far for the insurance exchanges. so the medicare buy-in, quite possibly -- and to be clear, all of these details are still being worked out. so we don't know for sure what this is. but i would be willing to bet that at the end of the day, we see a medicare buy-in that's open to people that don't have access to group health insurance and aren't already eligible for a public insurance. there was a simulation run a few years ago by the commonwealth fund, which ran a plan and had this element in it. and i think they predicted about 2 million, maybe 3 million people enrolling early in medicare. >> would 2 million or 3 million people into the medicare system help in terms of lowering the prices? would it provide that piece of wood stuck into the door so that the insurance cartel can't do whatever it wants? >> well, when you consider that medicare already has, you know, 40, 45 million people in it already, adding 1 million or 2 million obviously isn't going to really change its power in the marketplace. that said, i mean, if you think of this as something that maybe at some point might be opened up -- you mentioned senator wyden before, if somehow over the course of time, we open up the medicare buy-in to more people, then maybe it could have a greater effect. >> do you know, are they talking about a delay for it as well, or would it, in fact, be all and what kind of -- what would the psychological impact be on the concept of health care reform if something kicked in next year, rather than in 2014. >> well, this has not been determined as far as i know. and i think the impact of doing this early could be huge. i mean, one of the big, big worries about health care is that we have put off the delay of the implementation so long it will be years before people see relief. now, we are talking, as you said, about a group of people who are really the most vulnerable. they have the hardest time finding health insurance on their own. and in fact, if you look at the studies, they are more likely to have chronic health problems. opening this up, giving these people the option of something affordable early, that can make a world of difference. so insofar as that on the table, i know i am hoping that that is something that gets a serious look. >> this other thing that has been hinted at, which even senator schumer when asked said he would not provide details, which is apparently the first time since he's learned how to talk that he's given an answer like that -- the involvement of the office of personnel management being in this, that they, of course, the same people who run the health plan for public employees, specifically what the senate and the house get in their superb plan -- is this what it sounds like, that something's based on what federal government employees get might be available in some form to the uninsured or the underinsured? >> well, based loosely. keep in mind that the federal employees plan, most of the health insurance plans there are relatively generous. they have pretty high benefits. and schemes we're looking at right now, the standards for affordability, for the level of protection they provide is a bit lower. so it's not clear to me how these will interface with each other. in other words, if we start offering the same kinds of plans that are available to the federal employees through the exchanges, will we have to take them down in value, will we subsidize them higher. it's not really clear. certainly in principle, in those parts of the country where they're not going to right now have a lot of insurance options, this could bring some more insurance options to people and they would be, broadly speaking, similar to the kind that members of congress get. >> let me see if i can get you to agree with ezra klein or disagree with him, as you choose. that what is being talked about today, these one and maybe 1a options, certainly the expansion of medicare, buy-in at an earlier age, even if it's for a limited number of people, would be better than what's on the table now in terms of a milk toast version of the public option. >> you can make the argument that in terms of an actual public plan for people, giving people medicare -- that's where this all started, right? the impetus for this idea was to give everybody medicare once upon a time. then it became give a new public option to some people. now you're talking about giving some more people actual medicare. that is, actually, a real public plan. the scope will be a lot smaller and i think it will be hard to grow that into something that would be eventually available to all people. but given the options on the table, given the politics, given that ben nelson basically has a gun at the head of the democratic caucus saying, this has to go through me or you're in trouble, that maybe the best we can do. >> jonathan cohn, author of "sick" and senior editor with "the new republic." great thanks. something else that always evolves but never changes, sister sarah palin told a washington political crowd that she's been so busy lately, what with five kids and a book tour and running a huge state -- does she know she resigned as governor four months ago? and where's the coverage of her father having said she quit a hawaiian college because, in essence, there were too many hawaiians there? and speaking of leaving, reports tonight that mrs. tiger woods has moved out, leaving him alone with his putter. in the right direction? at oppenheimerfunds, our fund managers' perspective on the numbers helps uncover opportunities no matter which way the markets are moving. ask your advisor about oppenheimerfunds. call your advisor for a prospectus with complete fund information. read it carefully and carefully consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses before investing. mutual funds are subject to market risk and volatility. shares may lose or gain value. oppenheimerfunds. the right way to invest. if you're using other moisturizing body washes, you might as well be. you see, their moisturizer sits on top of skin, almost as if you're wearing it. only new dove deep moisture has nutriummoisture, a breakthrough formula with natural moisturizers... that can nourish deep down. it's the most effective natural nourishment ever. new dove deep moisture with nutriummoisture. superior natural nourishment for your skin. funny doggone thing about sister sarah palin. in quitting as governor of alaska. night before last, she told a huge political dinner in d.c. that she'd been so busy lately running a big state. and her dad says she blew off a hawaiian college because there were too many natives there. also, beck's movie sells no tickets and his tv audience suddenly has dropped by 30%. the wildest, latest, stupidest obama conspiracy theory, dumber than the birthers. and mrs. tiger moves out after the number of affairs hits nine. oops, ten. y mileage than a comparable honda civic. this chevy traverse has better mileage than honda pilot. the all-new chevy equinox has better mileage than honda cr-v. and chevy malibu has better mileage than accord. however, honda does make something that we just can't compete with. it's self propelled. chevy. compare us to anyone and may the best car win. - ( whirring ) - oh, you know what? let me call you back. announcer: you don't drink every time you smoke. yet you smoke every time you drink. drinking and smoking don't have to go together. re-learn life without cigarettes, free, at a new way to think about quitting. you told katie couric, alaska is like a microcosm of america. in "going rogue," she credits her part yupik eskimo husband for educating her about social diversity. but widening credibility gap in sarah palin's credentials. palin's academic odyssey brought her to five colleges in five years, two of those in hawaii. palin writes of her college experience with friend in the aloha state as a little too perfect. perpetual sunshine isn't necessarily conducive for serious academics for 18-year-old alaska girls. after that first semester, we realized we ought to transfer back to something closer to reality so we could actually earn our degrees. her father tells the same story a little differently. in the more neutral account, they interviewed chuck heath. according to chuck, sarah's decision had to do with being outside her comfort zone for the first time in her life in an environment dominated by asians and pacific islanders. quote, it just wasn't exactly what they expected, he says. they were a minority type thing and it wasn't glamorous, so she came home. palin taking time off from the "going rogue" flying circus to speak at the washington gridiron dinner. the famed white tie event for the inside the beltway journalists, breaking from tradition this year, allowing reporters to write about the traditionally off the record event. palin keeping the self deprecation to a minimum, instead mocking the elites that were hosting her, but focused mostly on her animosity towards the mccain campaigners, while talking about her book tour. the view is so much better from inside the bus than under it. congressman barney frank also cracked wise at the event, which prompted palin to quip the gridiron club should forgo frank. palin also offered up this bit of irony. "the new york times" reporting, when miss palin noted how busy she has been with five kids, a book tour, and running a huge state -- mr. frank, looked quizical seemingly wondering about her last item since she unexpectedly quit as governor last summer. this just in. joining me now, msnbc political analyst, richard wolffe. also senior strategist at public strategies and author of "renegade: the making of a president." richard, good evening. good to see you, sir. palin has established, whether or not this is legitimate, but has established this persona as woman of the people. we can now ask after some of these quotes in the "sarah from alaska" book, which people are she talking about? >> well, as you know, the american archetype. the silent majority that is yupik-loving, god-fearing, moose-hunting wolf shooters. to be honest, this hawaiian incident isn't just an insight into her thinking, her world view. it does speak to this bigger problem the republican party has. if you're excluding latinos, and it's not just lou dobbs -- but if you're excluding latinos and you have no inroads with african-americans and now asian-americans is kind of weird, too, which is a big problem in california if you're ever going to make a play there -- where do they go. and a candidate that's not from the old south is diverse. this kind of diversity doesn't take them very far as an electoral map. >> but there is always the chance that she might run unopposed sometime or a republican might get just to scare the democrat from running. >> they could clear the field that way. if not by fire power, then by intimidation. >> that last note from the gridiron dinner, that she's been so busy running a state. i was rereading rick pearlstein's wonderful "nixonland" and the woman of the people idea, she charges her people 16 bucks for a photo at the book signing. diversity, she's either troubled by hawaiians or she feels like she's a minority among hawaiians. is she channeling nixon? i mean, whatever you think your people want you to be, you just simply say, that's what i am, and then they, who also don't actually fulfill those bills, say, yes, you're that way and so are we too. and that's the way you roll this out? is she trying that nixon playbook of, i'm a populist, i love people, just not those individual people. >> the ghost of richard nixon will be visiting you this christmas with that. there is a cultural gamebook that the republicans have been playing for many years. at some point, it reaches breaking point. you cannot say that you're out there opposing the so-called death tax, which affects people at the upper end of -- 1% of income earners in this country -- and also be your joe the plumber kind of person. there is an inherent tension and sarah palin, god bless her, is exposing this kind of stuff, because in the end, not being a governor, being an extremely now wealthy author, she has got to work pretty hard to say she's a woman of the people. >> but she's still governor, apparently. she's a governor of the mind. >> in her own mind. it's the thought that counts. >> going to a place where you're supposed to take swings almost exclusively at yourself, the gridiron dinner, this is the second time that we know of that she's sort of played outside the rules. the "saturday night live" example, which i always use, is just so telling, where the first line they wrote for her was, you know, i kind of liked her impression, which would have just blown up the entire cliche. might not have changed anything in terms of the election last year. but when does some supporter or adviser say to her, you cannot keep skipping these opportunities to make fun of yourself before somebody else does. >> remember, the whole point about endearing yourself to this crowd, the whole point of the self deprecation is to show you have a human side. and actually, there was this guy who came up in 2006 to the gridiron dinner who hadn't gotten a whole lot of attention and his name was barack obama. he'd make a joke that he'd been on the cover of "newsweek," had a bestselling book, and what else war was there to do? he said, maybe pass a law or something. you take a swipe at yourself, because even though you're a big deal with a bunch of people dressed up like penguins, you say, hey, i know this is fake. you can and should make jokes about other people. she did that. but you're not showing a human side and maybe scientific tests will show the human side. >> richard wolffe of msnbc, author of "renegade" and also with public strategies, great thanks, as always. bad day for rogues of all kind. glenn beck can't give his movie away, but his tv audience has fled. a tennessee mayor thinks obama conspired to preempt the broadcast of "a charlie brown christmas." and amid reports the mrs. has now left, how many wild card women for tiger woods? well, he's brought a new meaning to the golf phrase the back nine. blueprint's free and exclusively for chase customers. for a big purchase, there's split. it lets you decide how much... or how many months you want to pay. so you can be comfortable managing all of your large purchases. if having a plan matters, chase what matters. create your own blueprint at because we believe in the strength of american businesses. ge capital understands what small businesses need to grow and create jobs. today, over 300,000 businesses rely on ge capital for the critical financing they need to help get our economy back on track. the american renewal is happening. right now. because with national, i roll past the counter... and choose any car in the aisle. choosing your own car? now that's a good call. go national. go like a pro. your walgreens pharmacist also dispenses wisdom... to help you make the right health care decisions. like understanding medicare part d. we'll walk you through a free plan comparison report... to guide you to the most cost-effective... and comprehensive plan, whether you're new to medicare part d... or you've been covered for a while. so stop in and stay well. cheese! walgreens. there's a way to stay well. bests in a moment. you know what's wrong with this country? low-income babies. and glenn beck losing nearly a third of his audience in a month. first, let's play "oddball." we begin in montgomery county, maryland, where the local swim club is offering folks a much deeper experience with kris kringle. it's santa in scuba gear. terrified children are asked to hold their breath and shut their eyes while telling santa what they want. all this little girl wants for christmas is to get the hell out of the pool. speaking of not being able to breathe, to mt. everest in nepal, where that country's top politicians held a cabinet meeting in the frigid thin air of the world's highest mountain just as they promised they would. thus, the gas masks to provide oxygen. with international climate talks scheduled for this week in copenhagen, the ministers were trying to highlight global warming and the danger it poses to glaciers. the cabinet met only briefly, for fear of getting altitude sickness. at 17,000 feet, the government was able to bill the event as the world's highest cabinet meeting. yes, i'm guessing they did not think that phrase through. as it rushed all possible media witnesses off the island, the bush administration called the deaths of three detainees at gitmo three years ago suicides, even though new evidence suggests the victims somehow tied their own hands and feet before hanging themselves. these stories ahead. but first, top three best people in the world. senator orrin hatch of utah saying he dreams of having 60 votes in the senate. "i think we would finally have the total responsibility to get this country under control and i believe we would, there are essentially no checks and balances found in washington today. just an arrogance of power with one party ramming through unpopular and devastating proposals one after the other." obviously, that was a different orrin hatch who represented utah from 2001 to 2006 when the republicans held the senate and the house and the white house and had no checks, balances, or constitution and ran the country into the ground. dateline, london. number two, best historical i threw up a little bit in my mouth. a british tabloid's lead story tomorrow, that the so-called dodgy dossier, the fake documents that warned great britain that iraq could launch a nuclear strike against england in 45 minutes may have been supplied by a cab driver. travis bickell is back. and dateline new york, number one best taste. the people of the united states of america -- remember the lonesome road beck movie, "the christmas sweater," that rip-off of the gift of the magi. schon in theaters nationwide? it sold 30 tickets. in washington, d.c., 30 people bought tickets to see beck cry. in new york and boston, it was 34, but that was combined. well, of course, you say, new york is all socialist, fascist, communists. what about where the real people live, like in rockwell, texas. 94 tickets in texas. 94 in a theater holding 193. on top of which beck's ratings among younger viewers for the first week this month down 30% from the first week of last month. next time he cries, it will be for an entirely different reason. of all the things made for women... maybe one of the most important... yeah. would you like a pony ? ye ! ( cluck, cluck, cluck ) oh, wowww ! that's fun ! you didn't say could have a real one. well, you didn't ask. even kids know when it's wrong to hold out on somebody. why don't banks ? we're ally, a new bank that alerts you when your money could be worki harder d earning more. it's just the right thing to do. but aleve can last 12 hours. and aleve was proven to work better on pain than tylenol 8-hour. so why am i still thinking abouthis - how are you?go, how are you? aleve. proven better on pain. sobering, terrifying echo tonight from the cells of guantanamo bay. our third story on the "countdown," three detainees dead by "suicide." suicides in which the victims tie their own hands and feet and then hang themselves. from the investigation, quote, the most innocent explanation is that this is gitmo meets "lord of the flies." on june 9th and 10th, 2006, during that night, three prisoners died at camp delta. the immediate military response was to order all media off the island and to label the deaths suicide. two years later, the ncis report claimed that all three of these detainees in separate cells took their own lives by the following means -- braided a noose from sheets or clothing. made mannequins of themselves to appear as if they were still in bed and asleep. hung sheets to block the views into the cells. stuffed rags down their own throats, past the point at which they would have gagged involuntarily, tied their own feet together, tied their own hands together, climbed up on a sink and put the noose around their neck. but a 58-page study of that nkis report states that it was an obvious cover-up. law professor mike denbo, the professor of the study says, "there are two possibilities here, either the investigation is a cover-up of gross dereliction of duty or it is a cover-up of something far more chilling. the most innocent explanation i can come up with that comports with all of the fact is that this is gitmo meets "the lord of the flies." the study rays numerous questions such as -- how the three bodies hung for at least two hours, unnoticed, in cells that were supposedly under constant supervision, why ncis concluded that the suicides were a conspiracy that failed to present any evidence of such. why no gitmo employees were ever disciplined despite strong indications by ncis felt that it had been misled. the reporter that brought this to the attention of the huffington post, scott horton joins us now. thanks for your time tonight, sir. >> good to be with you, keith. >> as you noted, one of the study authors said, "we have three bodies and no explanation. how is it possible that all three detainees had shoved rags so far down their own throats that medical personnel could not remove them? one of the dead detainees was scheduled for release from guantanamo bay in 19 days. instead, he died in custody." the report goes an awful long way. why doesn't it conclude that those were murders? >> well, the task that the seton hall authors took upon themselves was to review the work that was done by the military investigators, not to do their own investigation. and i think they demonstrate, conclusively that the military investigation was profoundly flawed and rushed to judgments that really weren't supported by the evidence. but i think it would have been a mistake for seton hall to offer up its own conclusions. instead, what it's recommending is that we need a new, serious investigation. >> the idea that this might have been an asymmetrical act of warfare, as it was described, requires these people to have known each other or their intents or being able to take cues or have timed it in some way. is there any evidence that there could have been a conspiracy from three guys, even if they somehow matched all the physical requirements that were evidenced in their own deaths? could they have done the conspiracy? >> well, there's no serious evidence that's offered in the military investigation of a conspiracy. the best they've got to tell us is that the modus operandi, the circumstances in which the bodies were found were the same in each case. they deduced from that that they must have conspired. but, of course, there are other possible answers to that, particularly if you reject the idea of suicide. but here the military investigation started with the idea that this was a suicide, backing up the statements that were made by the camp commander immediately after the events were announced and excluded from consideration any other possible solution. that really was not a proper, not a professional way to proceed. >> you asked this of professor denbo. let me ask it of you. since that ncis report upon which the investigation was based was heavily redacted, is it possible that the full report would answer some of these really large questions? >> well, that would be the best response the pentagon could give us right now. that is, to release the report unredacted. but i think if we go back and we look at the experience of prior investigations in guantanamo, they've been issued initially with heavy redactions. when those redactions come away, we see that the text was embarrassing or didn't support the conclusions that the military or the pentagon offered up. so, of course it's possible that if we saw the unredacted text, it would answer these questions, but i'd be skeptical of that. >> seton hall has been responsible for many investigations, studies of what happened and has happened at gitmo. the one that demonstrated the existence of further tapes of prisoner interrogations, even after denials from the bush administration. is this going to produce an actual investigation? and if so, by whom? >> well, it really is sort of a david and goliath story. that is, the seton hall law students and faculty have taken on the pentagon 11 times now, as i count, and every single time, the pentagon has come up on the short side. they've clearly established that their reports are correct and that's something quite extraordinary. i've got to think that the silence we're seeing from the pentagon right now, they've not issued a response, suggests that they're looking at this report very carefully, before they give us a public statement. so, hopefully, they'll do the right thing and they'll proceed to a new investigation. >> has there been enough pressure on the subject of gitmo since the change in presidential administrations, or has that died on the vine because of the change in political winds? >> well, it's relaxed and it's moved to other areas. what we see now is a major political cause is the question of the ksm trial in manhattan, for instance, rather than questions about the treatment of detainees in these historical issues about things that happened in 2006. >> scott horton, national security lawyer, contributor to "harper's," who unveiled this story at huffington post. great thanks for that, great thanks for the time tonight, sir. there is a new obama conspiracy theory tonight too. he addressed the nation last tuesday at the hour at which he chose so he could preempt "a charlie brown christmas." if only i were making this up. china's apple daily continues to make it up while we eat it up. three more computer videos today and the breaking news of his wife reportedly moving out. and when rachel joins you at the top of the hour, the latest from inside the health care negotiations. medicare at 55 or the same insurance as congress gets? senator ron wyden is her special guest. she wants to make up. we decide to turn in early. we just know. announcer: finding the moment that's right for you both can take some time. that's why cialis gives men with erectile dysfunction options: 36-hour cialis or cialis for daily use. cialis for daily use is a clinically proven low-dose tablet you take every day, so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. tell your doctor about your medical condition and all medications and ask if you're healthy enough for sexual activity. don't take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. don't drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long term injury seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than 4 hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision stop taking cialis and call your doctor right away. announcer: cialis for daily use or 36-hour cialis. ask your doctor if cialis is right for you, so when the moment is right, you can be ready. even during times like these, there is a light beginning to shine again. it comes from a restaurant downtown. a shop on main street. a factory around the corner. entrepreneurs like these are the most powerful force in the economy. the reinvention of business begins with them. and while we're sure we don't know all the answers, we do know one thing for certain: we want to help. come see what the beginning looks like at a correction. the dinner at which former governor palin said she was still busy running a big state was not the formal gridiron dinner in washington, which is yet to come but our friend craig crawford have is us it's the gridiron winter meeting. for those of you scoring at home or even if you're alone, tiger woods, blame it on those low-income babies. the attempt to fix climate change is compared to the sale salem witch trials and the mayor who thinks obama's conspiring to keep his kids from watching "a charlie brown christmas." the worsts. and then mrs. woods apparently moves out and the chinese animators move back in. there's a hospital where technology has a healing touch. there's a factory giving old industries new life. and there's a train that got a whole city moving again. somewhere in america, the toughest questions are answered every day. because somewhere in america, 69,000 people spend every day answering them. siemens. answers. not in a million years. guess. (announcer) football: $25 you won't guess. shampoo gift basket: $89 it's made with organic berries. oh. (announcer) mouth guard: $10 put it in. try it. see how it fits. it's taffy. nnouncer) getting them something they'll actually enjoy: let meet my teeth. (announcer) priceless this year, let peon and ason help you find the perfect gift with mastercard's gift finder at (announcer) some people just know how to build things well. give you and your loved ones an expertly engineered mercedes benz at the winter event going on now. but hurry - the offer ends january 4th. tiger woods, new reports of the mrs. moving out. new women, new computer generated video and best of all, new chinese-to-english translations, including, he received a unanimous phone call. next. but first, tonight's worst persons in the world. the bronze to allison cammarata. news model over there at fox noise. this is what happens when roger ailes lets the news model ad-lib. if, she asks a conservative columnist, there's no federal money used to subsidize abortion for low-income women, doesn't that mean there will be more low-income babies? and do any of these amendments talk about the health care for them then? meaning, she explained to dumbfounded guest, that low income women do rely on subsidies often for abortion? she said, actually, no, they don't. no low-income women pay for their own abortions and that won't change. everybody back slowly away from her and her conviction that the problem of this country is all those low-income babies. damned slacker infants. and clearly more than slightly off the tracks after his recent ratings plummet and that big total of 17 tickets sold to his movie in new york, comparing efforts to control climate change to, well, to everything, as usual. what kind of salem witch trials are we in? mccarthy, you call me mccarthy. no, no, don't you remember, mccarthy was part of the government, the all-powerful government. for the first time in american history that i know of, and i know american history pretty well, for the first time in american history we are on the wrong side. we're on the axis power globally and we're on the wrong side internally. i never thought i'd see this day come. okay. i know you think you know american history pretty well, but you don't. this is a guy who thinks a claus in the constitution that protected slavery was actually a tax on immigrants. this is a guy who said he thought thomas paine was opposed to the redistribution of wealth. this is a guy who does not realize nearly all of joe mccarthy's victims were in the government. this is a guy for whom everything and every day is armageddon. it confuses his little mind, he screams. i think we may need a new nickname for him. car alarm, car alarm beck. but our winner, mayor russell wiseman of allerton, tennessee, a suburb of memphis. apparently it's small enough to be suffering from a severe politician shortage. in a conspiracy theory from which glenn beck would recoil, mr. wiseman has posted on his facebook page the following. "this is total crap. we sit the kids down to watch "the charlie brown christmas special" and our muslim president is there. what a load. try to convince me that wasn't done on purpose." the mayor of a place where they wear shoes and everything. he thinks the president of the united states sent 30,000 more troops to afghanistan so he could preempt the telecast of "a charlie brown christmas." last tuesday, so the mayor and his children couldn't watch it. the mayor also went on saying the president's supporters should move to a muslim country. then he says the u.s. should become a muslim country. let's get back to the assertion by mayor wiseman whose brother is the chair of the tennessee republican party that the president conspired to keep russell wiseman and all the little wisemans from ever seeing "a charlie brown christmas," which has now been shown on network television every year since 1 65, which you can get on a dvd from amazon for $9.83 or less if you buy used. which you can get as a download from itunes for ten bucks. seriously. you're a grownup who can brush your own teeth and you think this is deliberate, mayor? an obama plot to keep your kids from seeing "a charlie brown christmas." did anyone tell you abc is running it tomorrow night and next tuesday night? do they not pay you $9.83 with, sir? have you seen a psychiatrist lately, mayor? have you checked to see if your head is still attached at the shoulders or if it kind of swings loose when there's a strong breeze? it's a plot! a plot to keep your kids hearing linus read the nativity story from luke. mayor russell, maybe the last name is meant ironically weisman from tennessee, who also may believe in brownies and elves. national car rental? that's my choice. because with national, i roll past the counter... and choose any car in the aisle. choosing your own car? now that's a good call. go national. go like a pro. the moisturizer in other body washes sits on top of skin. only new dove has nutriummoisture... which can nourish deep down. new dove body wash with nutriummoisture. superior natural nourishment for your skin. your walgreens pharmacist also dispenses wisdom... to help you make the right health care decisions. dike understanding medicare part d. we'll walk you through a free plan comparison report... to guide you to the most cost-effective... and comprehensive plan, whether you're new to medicare part d... or you've been covered for a while. so stop in and stay well. cheese! walgreens. there's a way to stay well. this is jim. he returns everything. keep your friends close and your receipts closer. and this is his new chevy, what sold you? i can return it. of course, now on top of chevy's 5-year/100,000 mile powertrain warranty, they're offering their 60-day satisfaction guarantee. now, when i buy a new chevy i can return it within 60 days if i'm not thrilled. just one problem... what's that? i'm thrilled. change is good jim. (woman coughing) (announcer) ready. set. robitussin®. you trust, the marriage of tiger woods is between six and ten women over par. but his wife has reportedly taken a powder if not a mulligan and moved out of their home in florida. our number one story -- radaronline reporting that elin woods is living in another house nearby, but his people are trying to keep it quiet because, quote, they don't want any publicity about what is going on in the marriage. yeah, that's working well. no publicity, just a team of taiwanese animators working around the clock in shifts, having pumped out three more of their mini masterpieces, using a sims-like style of animation, and a liberal interpretation of facts and gossip. apple daily produced its first video translating as "woods." broken windows to save his wife at night shady husband. the three new creations include the newspaper's own translations from mandarin to english, well, kind of english. here now, a selection from the third animation, "tiger woods lover number three exposed." we're not saying any of this is exactly true. we think of it more as art. >> unanimous phone call? well, if it's ten women, maybe it was a unanimous phone call. we continue with the animated tale of the prenup. >> that was intense. by the way, as you saw, woods got a free michael jordan shoe phone with his subscription to "sports illustrated." i know what you're asking. what about alleged lover number one? >> as you saw just there, apparently that was secretary of state hillary clinton brokering the deal. it was apparently supposed to be attorney gloria allred. luckily, thanks to apple daily, we now know exactly what happened before the crash. allegedly. >> i broke my vestibule. refused to let him in, like a hockey goalie. no soup for you, officer. as for the post-accident blow by blow, apple daily has portrayed this before, but not with as much detail and not as the neighbors who sleep in their day clothes. >> unconscious and snoring. i would have paid to see that. and back to that prenup. in the fourth video from apple daily, woods breaks the bank to keep the lovers silent. we learn about the prenup and the mother of tiger woods and what she was doing during all the sexy time. >> enjoying dinner, mother? apparently mrs. woods is a witch. the latest bombshell comes to us by a uk tabloid called "the news of the world." a waitress from a perkins restaurant in orlando revealed steamy details of her alleged affair with the world number one golfer. unfortunately apple daily has translated this video yet. but i did my best. long cool woman in a red dress, tiger meets mindy at perkins, high class style restaurant. he phones in order. has visions of red mushrooms. he asks her back to his place or another restaurant maybe. >> he texted me and he would phone me regularly. every time he would contact me, obviously, it was for sex. >> some people look better as animated figures. i don't know what she's doing here, but it looks like she needs a shower. this they now do. they have relations all over the place, in his house, but never tiger's bed, which is queen-sized and located in a large closet. >> first of all, clearly the animation team has never been to a perkins restaurant. second, mindy lawton claims that she and woods were romantic all over the house, yes, in the shower, just not in his bed, which is queen-sized and located in a large closet. ms. lawton's story continues. mindy says something about tiger's wife, who suddenly gets an "x" over her face, possibly h1n1. tiger makes public appearances, adoring crowds, than the spanky spanky. tiger has thought bubble about underwear he wants her to wear or maybe it's about annika sorenstam. text messages in order to

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