to hate, can have compassion for people like jeff scoop, then i have no excuses. >> it may take a while. it cannot be an all or nothing thing. there has to be a progression. >> extracting jeff scoop may be twice as hard as anyone i have worked with before. but if he isn't willing to divest from his merchandise, then i'm the one who is walking away. >> how did you feel after last night? >> it was a long day. >> i didn't sleep at all. every ounce of me doesn't want that music and t-shirts out there because i know the results of what can happen. i almost did not come here today because i did not want to have this conversation about you continuing to sell music. i was not okay with that. but then i had to think about taking your livelihood away from you is not going to set you up to succeed. but you have to come over from my side.