of and senator klobuchar has been a part of. i eagerly await that new version and hope that we finally get to the point that everyone is on the same page on how we are going to reconcile the issue. because one thing has been made clear. everyone recognizes that there is an issue. the problem is that they haven't agreed on what the fix for the issue is. >> all right. texas state representative jasmine crockett. always a pleasure. we'll check in with you again as this continues to develop. appreciate your time. >> thank you. still ahead, more reaction to the results of the investigation into new york governor andrew cuomo. congresswoman kathleen rice, one of the first lawmakers to call for grofrn cuomo to resign joins us live next. you're watching "ayman mohyeldin reports." "ayman mohyeldin reports. oh! are you using liberty mutual's coverage customizer tool? so you only pay for what you need. sorry? limu, you're an animal! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪

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