floridians. we are truly moving needle even if it's making sure the awareness is there. so i do want to thank your network specifically because you guys are making sure that you keep this topic at the forefront and that is making sure that congress is starting to recognize that we all want this to be on the forefront. >> we're going continue to cover it as it plays out. speaking of the senate, you have senate democrats, they are working on a new version of a voting rights act. do you have hope that that will pass even if this version of the for the people act does not? >> yeah. you know, i understand that they're having hearings because they're trying to work on this formula issue. there are a number of ways they are trying to work around having to necessitate the hearings and come up with a new formula. one of the things that majority whip clyburn told us is, listen, let's make all 50 states have to go through clearance. then we don't have to worry about this specific formula, a formula that no matter which way they twist or turn it, states