reporters are asking him are questions that he should be answering more directly than -- than giving answers about tactical, you know, operations today and what choices they have available to him. that's what you expect to hear from millee. i think right now they are trying to put a brave face on a bad situation and keep situation, keep the military force very focused on the critical and high-risk job that they have on the ground there. >> absolutely, a stunning moment as well certainly what we're dealing with operationally and that's what i want to talk to you about, general. two points that i thought were very interesting and trying to make sense of it. operationally, how did you make how the military described their capabilities is they want to secure the airfield and want to make sure they are protecting the airfields from the threat that could be posed by not just the taliban but perhaps other elements including terrorist elements that may want to seize on this chaos and attack americans troops. they don't have the operational capability as of right now, and it seemed that the general said