sure. >> what a coincidence that we are having this conversation on january 6th. right? the big lie is what we call it. the big lie that joe biden lost the election and that donald trump was ultimately elected or should have been elected president in 2020. that is the big lie. i just completed a book that will be out later this year with harvard education press that is titled the big lie about race in america's schools and ultimately, you are right that politicized to project to dismantle the ei in america schools and in other places is actually succeeding. there have been now 18 states that have passed legislative bans on the teaching of critical race theory, even though critical race theory was never being taught in k-12 schools, and other racial topics. so, yeah, the movement is succeeding. what we need -- and by we i mean those of us who really care about democracy, and those of us who know better, those of us who know the truth