push back against that disinformation. the individuals that are spewing those lies on the house floor, and in the house of congress. they know that those are lies. look at rena mccarthy, the day after january 6th. that night he went on the house floor and he condemned donald trump. in the senate vote. and in the impeachment vote. mitch mcconnell, lindsey graham. they knew that they were done with donald trump. there are not done with him because he still exists. so they know it is wrong. donald trump has them scared have to death and then they have to go back to -- a lot of people refer it as going to mar-a-lago and kissing the ring. it sounds funny but that's exactly what it is. >> thank you so much and i'm a big believer that the truth always ends up prevailing. and i'm very much looking forward to see how you carry out that message of truth. thank you for joining me tonight. i really appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. again, i've got to plug harrydunnforcongress. com. thank you so much.

Related Keywords

Lies ,Irena Mccarthy ,Individuals ,Disinformation ,House ,Push ,House Of Congress ,House Floor ,January 6th ,6 ,Donald Trump ,Lindsey Graham ,Vote ,Impeachment Vote ,Floor ,Senate ,Mitch Mcconnell ,People ,Lot ,Death ,The Ring ,Mar A Lago ,Truth ,Message ,Thanks ,Believer ,Plug Harrydunnforcongress ,Com ,

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