here is an opportunity for democrats to say no. we are on the side of democracy. and i think that's huge. and i also think that it happens to have the benefit of being the right thing to do, right? democracy is what is -- what has sort of gotten us through. so i think it is very good, and i think it's very -- i certainly feel better knowing that there is a white house filled with people who know how to do this and who have had experience with government and who are not tweeting crazy stuff or trying to get dirt on their political opponent. >> molly -- sorry, me linda, i wanted to get your thoughts on this new policy proposal, if you will. secretary of state tony blinken saying the u.s. would give the green light to nato countries to provide fighter jets to the ukrainians knowing the u.s. is in talks with poland over how to do so. how sharp of an escalation will this be perceived in moscow