these individual issues and break them up. so that we are voting on them in a way that requires people to take an up or down vote, so that it can't be some massive bill that people are always able to hide behind, the fact it was a massive bill so that's why they voted no. we have to really take these issues on one by one, and as a front-line democrat, running next year, i'm not afraid to take these issues on. i think this is what democrats are looking for us to take on. independence, moderate republicans. people are looking for us to take on the tough issues and figure out, how are we going to solve these, not just talk about them. >> i couldn't agree with you more on that congresswoman. i think a lot of people watching this will be saying they want to see democrats do exactly what you're saying, so i hope the house leadership is watching this and they get to hear from you on the need to get these