was published, asean ounce that they are closing up shop. joining me now, is bin smith, the new york times columnist who broke this story wide open. then, it's great to have you, i mean this is an absolutely fascinating story with so many twists and turns i couldn't even keep up with all the developments over the weeks. and as you didn't deny your reporting, in fact they blame the conference call incident on some mirror row, the co-founder and chief operating officer of aussie media. supposedly going through a mental health crisis, that's not to make jokes or make light of that in any capacity. but what do you make of that explanation? >> i think it was an attempt to prevent critics from writing about it. the thing was, and i don't know the details of his mental health, what we were really able to report on was that it was part of a pattern of deceiving investors, advertisers, the media, all sorts of people about what was going on with that company.