making it more critical to wear the right kind of mask than perhaps [ inaudible ] >> you are absolutely right about that andrea, i think that's a message you want to get out loud and clear. if you were in situation in the past where you didn't get infected, oh, i can keep doing that. no, this virus is that much more infectious. i say somewhat jokingly, yet at the same time in a serious nature, be every the delta virus came along, you could get in an elevator have a long conversation and walk to the office. today with omicron, if the elevator opens, you get a good whiff, you can get infected. that's the kind of world we are living in with this transmission. that's why you are seeing so many millions of people get infected every day in this country. >> i also want to ask you about a report the "new york times" has from the cdc. they've research and development that children who get infected