support behind whoever emerges from this process. i was not at any of those meetings so i can't comment on what the president may or may not have said. i just want to pick up on heidi's point about wbuttigieg' momentum. i would just caution people to be very, very careful in looking at polls in iowa at this point months before. i have to tell you that in 2011 just a few months before the iowa caucus every poll said that herman cane was going to win. it ends up being rick santorum and romney is the nominee. the nominee ends up being john mccain. these iowa polls are all over the map. at this point before the actual caucus they are pretty consistently unreliable. >> thank you very much.

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President ,Sham Impeachment Process ,Point ,Support ,Heidi ,Meetings ,Wbuttigieg ,People ,Polls ,Momentum ,Caucus ,Iowa ,2011 ,Nominee ,Herman Cane ,Romney ,Rick Santorum ,Map ,John Mccain ,

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