our big deck ships out there, admiral allen commanded them, made sure that our people working on the ground had water, food, logistics, helicopters, all of that will come into play. >> you said this is personal for you. what are you doing personally? sandbags? how do you prepare? >> well, andrea, if you know how to fill a sandbag, i've got a shovel for you. but we are, we're putting -- >> i'm at the ready. >> we're putting fuel in our vehicles. we have a generator, we're making sure that is fully fueled. we're insuring that we're able to help our neighbors. we've got a neighborhood watch thing going on. all of the things that americans do in the challenging situations working together is crucial. by the way, stay tuned to stations like msnbc or other 24/7 stations that can keep you updated. that is crucial. >> keep batteries charged and do

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