unless and until this cloud is lifted from them, they can't make a living, right. and most of them are not retired, they are people who are still dependent on their livelihoods, as attorneys. they want this to go faster, because they want to be able to return to their lives, and not be bogged down by legal costs for the rest of time immemorial. i think that's what's going on. they also don't want to be tried next to trump, right. they think they can get a better and fairer trial if their matter is separate from his. so, all of those are considerations, for some of the lawyers like eastman and chesebro, who are moving for a speedy trial, and are hoping to go to trial as late as october. >> and we will add to that list sydney powell, who has also filed motions for a speedy trial, make it much more likely that some of these defendants, they're going to have their day in court before election day, coming back to your point about the timeline here. and so i wonder, even if you don't have the timing line up with donald trump, how a televised trial would play out politically, in a state that republicans themselves say, they have to win in order to