recognized as the aberration, and frankly as a shame it is. you are talking to michael about the lies of the last three years. we are those lies come from? from a place of guilt. they come from a place of shame. they come from a place of horror about what actually did happen today. and here we are, three years later. we see washington post polling show that one and three republicans, maybe a little more planted, actually claimed the fbi instigated the riot, the insurrection. that means there is a big chunk of republicans who don't believe that lies. who aren't willing to go along with trump's claims. i think that's actually a positive sign on this anniversary. there is actually when ebel group, right? of moderates, of republicans that have not totally succumbed to the favorite swamp of the january 6th rewriting. and dare i say that might be a positive note. >> indeed. as we are looking for them. let's talk about that figure swamp. on friday, listen to what a trump voter in iowa told nbc news about january 6th.