very, very theoretical conversations here. and yet, it sort of points to the generalized disarray. >> it does. look, this sort of matchbook game we are seeing play out, all the excitement around nikki haley, is the same excitement people had around ron desantis a year ago. the scent excitement of the head around tim scott a year ago. and as the secretary just pointed out, donald trump is ahead by 35 points. so, there. so all this talk about, well, my vice presidents going to be -- you need to figure out how you are going to be donald trump, because you clearly haven't figured that out yet. because he's up by 35 points. so, you know, this is part of the game. folks still thinking that something magical is gonna happen in iowa. something phantasmagoria is gonna happen in new hampshire. and somehow donald trump is going to sheepishly go off and to that great good night after being bested by nikki haley.