nations of an acting attorney general. >> they're breaking windows and going in. obviously ransacking our offices and all the rest of that. that's nothing. the concern we have about personal harlem -- >> safety! >> that transcends everything. the fact is, on any given day, they're breaking the law and many different ways. and quite frankly, much of it at the instigation of the president of the united states. and now, if he could at least -- >> why don't you get the president to tell them to leave the capitol, mr. attorney general, and your law enforcement responsibility. public statement, they should all. it >> does not matter how many times you see it. it's shocking every time. in realtime, pelosi recognize the danger of having trump as that leade of the free world and it is a danger that lives on. in a new columnhe atlantic, pelosi writes, quote, the threat to our democracy is real, present, and organs.