guidelines for federal law enforcement, including the fbi. we still don't have a domestic terrorism law. we still don't see anything that looks like someone is implementing the white house's national strategy to counter violent extremism. so we should be asking the question, is this a label being given to bodies that you've pulled out of the international terrorism unit, or is there some substance here? >> this past june, the white house released a national domestic terrorism strategy. it talked about enhanced government and law enforcement partnerships with social media platforms, battling disinformation, updating laws. we've not heard much, though, about those initiatives. what is the actual path forward? >> right. so great strategy. i've read it multiple times. i keep waiting to hear something's going to happen with it because it looks holistically at the problem of extremism and violence. people thinking that law enforcement is the problem -- and you see this a lot on social media. when is the fbi going to