and senate to be statesmen, not to be partisan politicians but do what's best for all people and so if people get a chance to vote, that is the bedrock of our country and why we're fighting so hard, too many people who showed us our stand literally died for their precious fundamental right that we just celebrated the 56th anniversary of. that was the signing of the voting rights act of 1965. and my democratic colleagues and i are fighting not just for texas' rights but the rights of people all over this country, many black and brown people would be unfairly impacted if we don't get these bills passed because there's so much voter suppression going on in the name of the big lie promulgated by former president trump. >> representative martinez fischer, i apologize because the double name tripped me up. whether it's everything we've already talked about as it relates to voting rights, trans kid and sports, abortion access in your state. we didn't even talk about trying