everyone around the world is suffering right now. if you can't call it what it is, then you don't have our country's best interest in mind. >> and perhaps a sign of the changing of the times. the turkish president going to russia before he comes to the u.s. to talk about what's happening there on the ground. really quickly, what is coming up on your pod cast this week? >> i hope tulsi gabbard. we'll have her on wednesday and continue to go deep or this discussion. it's a deeper one for the veterans and national security community. >> also some controversial comments about her position. >> i disagree with her on a lot of things. i wouldn't meet with assad. but she's aushlgs pelso appeali moderates and independents. the people who don't have a political party. they want to hear from her. >> paul riekcoff. in coming up, donald trump's sons attempt to climb the moral high ground. we'll tell you about that, next. introducing even more value from fidelity.