think it's a 50-50 right now to protect mohamed bin salman more so than oil. oil is not the chief factor anymore, that and the arms sales to saudi arabia. now let me go back to yemen. treat us right about not having -- we shouldn't have pulled out of the nuclear agreement with iran but we did. so that's where we are. i don't think the iranians are coming back to the table. the chief issue in the region for those players in the region, from kuwait to ankora and down to sudan is the war in yemen. we should be taking bin salman's arm and bending it behind his back until it almost breaks and telling him, forge a political solution to this war now or our relationship is over, period. >> i strongly suspect that will not happen under this president. >> nope. >> i thank you both for being here. thank you very much. >> thank you so much. coming up, a closer look at the brand spanking new des moines register poll. that's next.