weiss, and others, and yusef salaam, are part of the fabric of what was considered wrong with america, and now considered, wow, this is now a case study. we need to figure out how we can ensure, in fact, that people don't go to prison for crimes they did not commit. and here it is, i could have been a private citizen. but i think the beauty of my story is that i have come to use the same platform that i've had. and i said, you know what? i am going to help. i am going to use it to effectuate the greatest change in my community because i know we can't change things in two years. i know we can't change things in four years. but we can start movement. and that movement includes all of us because just like my mother told me when i was 15, she said they need you to participate in whatever it is they are trying to do. do not participate, she said. refuse. so, when i think about all of the ills that are invading our