they are the part of the great discussion. >> this is mannest festally insane. like the ghost of chavez was rigging everything. then you fall back fall back and get back to big tech censored people and also states changed their mail in voting procedures in violation of what i think is constitutional prerogative for only a state legislature. and that's like the gentlemen's version of it which is like the josh holly-ted cruz. it amounts to the same thing which is like the democrats winning isn't legitimate and we don't recognize it. >> exactly. there is this very pointed effort as donald trump is making the claims about he fraud to try to come up with a pace for it. you're right, ted cruz is at the forefropt of that. he first said i'm going to object to the elections in pennsylvania because of the changes by the law. and then ted krooudz came along and amplified a similar claim. saying we need time to review