trump in power against the will of the voters, has also been subpoenaed, and also purportedly plans to plead the fifth. as does trump's longtime ally, roger stone, who has refused to turn over documents or speak with the committee. there are plenty of others cooperating, including one of the main organizers of the stop the steal rally which brought trump supporters to washington on january 6th. his name is allie alexander, and he is said to testify in front of the committee tomorrow in response to a subpoena issued to him late last month. "new york times" reports alexander plans to tell lawmakers he had nothing to do with any violence or law-breaking on january 6th, but has pledged to supply the committee with voluminous documents. nick broadwater is a congressional reporter for "the new york times" and he joins me now. luke, let's start with setting up who alexander is for folks that might not know the name, what his role was what we know about his cooperation thus far.