houses that are in demand. that is that entry level, lower priced, first time home buyer house. they can't afford to build that. they're not going to profit off of it. they can only build the step-up level house or the luxury house. there's not quite as much demand for that but even when they want to build that, they're coming up against so many issues for land, labor, materials, and those higher costs, that they're actually, believe it or not, they are pulling back on selling, which sounds crazy in a market where you have so much demand. they are pulling back on how much they will sell right now because they are afraid they just can't deliver it. >> right. so you've got the actual supply chain issues that are affecting all the different parts of the economy, pertaining to the new housing market too, but it also seem like -- i guess i wonder -- i guess there's not much slack in these rental markets anyway when they're normally operating. and so fairly small changes around the margins, that was the thing we saw with toilet paper,