leave it be. they don't have to go undermined, if they don't want to be out there saying look, it's. they don't do that. and i think it's because a it rates. and be because they'd have to keep this going. >> that's right and i think that that's the part that's the key piece here. it's actually demonstrate the intentionality, the deliberateness of this. and why it goes all the way to the top, this is beyond just a couple segments now, this can only continue at the scale that it is, if the highest levels of fox news which would be murdoch -- i've made him omar giving consent and if not more than that. the more broad thing is that it does tie into the broad right -- why should you fight against the aca, the legislations, it's always something you have to step back. somebody is trying to control you. and that's what that's his boil down to. you have tie this into a bitter broader rhetoric narrative, and then pump it with all sorts of