strategy with this money before. in a way, the bloomberg campaign may be the most expensive political science experiment. we'll all see how it turns out. thank you for being with us and all in for christ hayes starts overall under water in favorability within the u.s. right now. >> tonight on all in. military. >> with eddie gallagher, you does that surprise you? >> it doesn't surprise me. know that story very well. the president is on an elevator going down. i said no you're not going to there's a reason that we have a take it away. website called trump is a he's a great fighter. national security threat. >> disturbing testimony from he disrespected a gold star navy s.e.a.l.s about their platoon chief that was pardoned family. he has decided that he is going by the president and hosted at to pay for the border wall by taking money out of the department of defense school system. mar-a-largo. just this weekend over christmas >> he was an ultimate fighter. he decided he would deport family members of active duty tough guy. military deployed. >> they went to places all over the country and they came back so it's par for the course with and said this is where we would like to be. we had military people doing it. we had secret service people his war on the military. doing it. >> documents that show what the it doesn't surprise me that you secret service actually thought about trump's hotel site see his poll numbers going from where they were to down. regardless of the spin. that's a military times poll so >> he is by far and away the that's a more conservative best physical facility for this reader base to start.