pelosi has brought up, this is something i've been interested in for the past couple of weeks. as i've been chatting with democratic sources and others on the hill work on other stories. handful why they believe pelosi didn't want to have this vote that she just announced today. what i've been told is that within the house democratic caucus, there is a view this vote is not without political cost. the concern especially for democrats like those who won these trumpy districts is that they could be voting for a pandora's box. >> right. >> they don't know the entirety of what's in it. they know a lot. this is not a crazy difficult thing for them but the investigation is not done yet. they are preparing for the fact that republicans will say, you voted to give adam schiff and nancy pelosi a blank check. in some of these districts, that vote is not super duper easy. >> yeah, i think it's not an easy vote, although the question here is, you know, you're doing to anyway, right? like you're going to own this