. all right. i'm going to show you some headlines of the trump administration's foreign policy announcements in the world's hotspots and they essentially amount to donald trump sauntering around a barn with dry straw tossing matches, hither and yawn. on the brexit question, which among a slew of serious issues, involves one of the most contested and for awhile violent borders in decades. that's the border between ireland and northern ireland which is of course part of great britain. what to do about that border if there is a hard brexit with no deal. donald trump essentially says just go do it. see what happens. just figure it out. then on russia's continued occupation of ukraine's crimea which is what got russia kicked out of the g8 is the subject of an ongoing violent conflict in ukraine. president trump says let russia back into the group. sorry, crimea. sorry, ukraine. meanwhile, there are 1.7 million people in the streets of hong kong protesting the chinese