300,000 interactions, meta recently reinstated his accoun because they view that his ris to public safety had sufficiently receded how much do you see trum himself now ratcheting up th atmosphere to create violence? >> oh, i mean, he has got good start the fact is that donald trum is the insider he is getting's works to get people fired up. to get his reporters and followers filed. up he is not an organizer, h has not starting groups to say the people are coming, h relies on other people to do that so he is very much doin his part right now of what h is always done, which is to ge his base fired up, angry, an looking for somebody to take i out on looking for somebody to ge vengeance for their leader so he has his platform and h is doing that, but make no mistake, he has got to giv credit to donald trump he said he didn't need twitter he did knee youtube, he didn't